TheLifeWeCapture Portfolio Sign Up

If you're interested in contributing to one of our online portfolios for our wholesale clients please fill out the form below and we'll be in touch as soon as possible.

Before filling out the form please review the current portfolio listings.

Contact form

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I sign up for the portfolio?

In the form above fill out your contact information and in the "comment" section type out "I'm interested in being apart of the online portfolio."

Do I need an online gallery to be approved?

Yes. In order to be approved for our online portfolio partnership you will need to have an online gallery that can easily be reviewed by our team.

Are my photos safe with TheLifeWeCapture?

Yes. We will not sell any photos without the direct consent of the photographers permission. We highly recommend protecting your work with a watermark.

Disclaimer: If you're photos need to be place on mockups the watermark will need to be removed for display.

What if my photos never sell to a wholesale client?

We cannot guarantee sales to one of our wholesale clients. The best thing to do is supply as many high quality photos of the desired portfolio curation and let our team do our job of selling the pieces we have.

Will I earn money for being a part of the online gallery?

Yes. Our goal is to help photographers earn money for their work. Earning will be paid in a commission based format upon purchase from one of our wholesale clients. Photographers will earn anywhere between 15-20% of each sale of their work.