Rediscovering Passion: Mik Dominguez's Journey Back to Photography

Rediscovering Passion: Mik Dominguez's Journey Back to Photography

 Mik Dominguez’s story is a testament to how passion can reignite even after a long hiatus. For Mik, his journey with photography began over twenty years ago during high school when he was unexpectedly placed in a photography elective class. At the time, he didn’t know it, but this class would plant the seeds for a lifelong passion.

"The first time I picked up a camera was in high school back in 2000,"  Mik shared. "I didn't care much at first, but the moment I held that film camera, something clicked. The experience of developing film in the dark room was an incredible feeling I have trouble describing into words." 

 Mik continued his photography classes for two years and utilized every opportunity to use the schools camera and dark room as much as he could. After graduation, the camera was set aside, and wouldn't be touched for years to come. It wasn't until recently, in April 2024, that Mik picked up his camera once more. This time, he's vowed to never put it back down again.

Overcoming Doubts and Finding Support

 Here at TheLifeWeCapture we always like to explore the challenges our featured photographers face during their journeys and what they've done to overcome them. It's important for us to learn from one another's experiences and our hope by asking this question is to provide guidance to those who may be struggling with something similar.

 Mik shared with us one of his most difficult obstacles as been the nerves of approaching the photography scene as a 40 year old. He stated "I was seeing all of these incredible images from photographers in their 20s and I started doubting myself. I felt like I wasn't good enough and didn't know if I'd be able to keep up." 

 Thankfully, Mik has a loving and supportive wife by his side, who's always been there to help push him through the uncertainty and help him subside those thoughts of doubts and fears. "She's my rock, my everything."

 If we can take away anything from Mik overcoming his own obstacle, it's to never be afraid to share yourself, especially with those closest to you. The love from those near and dear to you will always propel you forward into chasing your passion and succeeding in any avenue of your life.

 Mik's experience is one which could resonate with many photographers, and even those outside of this wonderful artform, who struggle with self doubt and the restricting type of mentality, no matter their age. His advice? Focus on what truly matters.

 Photography is never about the latest and greatest gear or flashy locations, it's about learning your camera, working own your own unique style of composition, and going on to shoot everything that inspires you. You can apply this lesson into any avenue of life and begin focusing on your own personal journey, whether it's photography or not.

 "I don't live in an interesting place,"  Mik explains, "but I go out and find interesting things to photograph. Don't go spend money on gear, instead spend it on experience like trips to go photograph. Lastly, one of the most true things I've learned about photography gear is to 'date the body, marry the lens'."  Meaning the body of your camera set up is not as important as the lens you equip to it. So, find a body suited for a variety of lenses, and then focus on the correct lens for the style of photos you're trying to capture.

Black and White: The Heart of Mik's Photography

 When asked about his preferred style of photography, Mik mentioned it's a bit difficult to answer. In all honesty he just loves taking pictures of everything he encounters, but if he had to choose a single style it would be Black and White Street Photography. After following his portfolio for sometime now, we can confirm this is his signature style! Although, his recent autumn color edits with his signature moody twist have been absolutely stellar and we hope to see more of them in the future.

 "In all reality, it would be anything black and white. Don't get me wrong, I love color editing, but there's just something different about black and white photos. Especially if they have that film like look to them."

 It's always important to find your own specific style, your own little niche. There are so many avenues of photography which is what makes it such a wonderful work of art to us. Take a crack at exploring different styles and don't be afraid to add your own unique twist during post-processing edits. Let us know in the comment section below which of Mik's edits you like most out of these next two photos! The full B&W or the frame with a hint of color?

A Family Affair: Sharing The Love of Photography

 For Mik, the best part of his photography journey isn't just about the photos he's capturing. His favorite memories and moments all revolve around the connection he's building with his son as they explore and go on photography adventures together.

 Mik shared with us, "To be real, my favorite moment has nothing to do with the camera, lens, or destinations. It's been the bonding time I've had with my son. He's been traveling along this journey with me and has fallen in love with photography too."

 His son currently has a small point and shoot camera Mik picked up off of Amazon, and Mik says he takes care of it more than anything else in the world. As his son's love and passion grows for photography, Mik knows it's inevitable to upgrade his sons arsenal with a new camera. "He will not stop asking me to teach him more. There is nothing that can top that."  Mik also mentions he and his son will be creating a YouTube channel once they get everything situated, and it'll cover their full journey of photography as father and son. 

Looking Ahead: The Future of Mik's Photography

 It's a journey that's far from over for Mik and his photography. From dream destinations to capture such as the streets of Portugal and their wonderful culture, or the breathtaking landscapes Ireland has to offer with it's gloomy and forestry fields, Mik has plenty of bucket list items to check off. 

 "This journey has been nothing but amazing. Mixed with stressful moments, such as still being nervous and second guessing myself when posting on social media. It's all been a learning process and the only way to get better is to continue to shoot.",  Mik explained. 

 Along with the plans to visit these dream destinations, Mik knows just how important it is to continue learning and mastering his craft. With the help of the countless photographers with years of experience on YouTube, he's able to constantly add more knowledge and tricks to his repertoire for all of his future adventures.

 Mik's journey may have been paused, but now, there's no stopping him. His story is one of passion rediscovered, and a friendly reminder that it's never to late to reignite your own passion for something you may love. We look forward to having Mik tag us in all of his future Instagram posts so we can follow along his journey as he grows and explores in the beautiful world of photography.

Follow Mik's Journey

 Show your support for Mik by visiting his Instagram profile and follow along his next adventures. At TheLifeWeCapture, we're all about building and growing as a community, and we'd love to have you on board as we grow together!


YouTube: Coming soon!

If you found Mik's story inspiring please leave a comment below and share this blog post with a friend. Learn how you can become a featured photographer in one of our next posts here.

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1 comment

My passion for photography also started back in high school in a photography elective class that ignited my love for it!
Great work Mik! I follow your page on Instagram and it inspires me. Love the street photography! And congratulations on your feature!


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